
This was revenge -from Arya and the gods - not serial. See the story Bran told earlier of how the gods punish those who violate hospitality law.

So what about the future of everyone else who has killed in this show?

The dog is innocent. The brothers were not.

Exactly. Though Bubbles Wrap is right - Bran told the story. It is a punishment for breaking the rules of hospitality and kinda the will of the gods.
The review here. After Arya has been under the tutoring of the god of many faces and learned many fantastical skills -such as using a living breathing mask -it seems a

I have no doubt that it was not a one time thing. The episode never said that it was. Marco saw the same face at the door that that Chelsea O'Bannon saw pictures of and said that anyone who did that should be prosecuted. He saw that battered face and still covered it up for a promotion.


"As naive as it sounds, I think Marco's motivations lie more with finding out the truth and bringing to justice people who are accustomed to lying and getting away with everything .."
That would be strange for someone who buried an extremely violent domestic abuse incident for a promotion.

He was great in Borgia.

Yeah, i thought it was brief - gave you the idea. I only remember him being thrown on the bed.


"This was not triggered orgasm Trauma from an attack I have no problem. "
That does not even make sense.

Actually, as I've pointed out here before, an wanted sexual response is not uncommon in both rape and sexual abuse victims. In male on female rape the deepest and roughest violation in the cervix can actually trigger an orgasm. For victims of rape and abuse, this can be some of the most difficult part to deal with.

I agree, your opinion is not at all complex. Fans of the story, however, care very much about complex character development and want more than 2d cardboard cut outs. Hollywood blockbusters make a lot of money out of said people who don't care about the psychological and emotional repercussions of trauma. These movies

An unwitting biological response is not uncommon in many rapes and instances of sexual abuse of both genders. This often makes the aftermath even worse.

You don't get to speak for "most people". People who read the books and are now watching the series care very much for complex character development which is sparse enough in entertainment. Sorry it is getting too complex for you.

I think he's arguing that men are supposed be titillated by male on female rape. Watching a rape scene should indeed be uncomfortable and most of the angry comments here seem to come from men.

I think you are touching on something here that is a big part of Alien Jesus and Red Scarabs reaction. Both seem to have a reactionary resistance to scenes and story lines that deal with the complexities and residue of rape. There is something defensive in their comments .

" Walking Dead as usual, as far as I'm concerned. Badly written, but somehow compelling."
That perfectly sums up my feelings about this series.