Rebecca Martin

I'll bring the scorpion!

Strix isn't bad, but I want the 'Doll back!

You're thinking of "Divided We Fall", the end of the Cadmus arc and Season 2.

In "Destroyer"? Don't remember him saying anything in that. He, Dinah, and Bizarro were in Rome, IIRC. And he got one of the last curtain calls.

Ollie's reaction to Galatea — even after he knows what she is — was actually the clincher to me.

A shapechanging telepath who finally chose to look a lot like Jack Kirby. Just one of those little touches that made this show so great.

Although pairing him with Supergirl often resulted in borderline squick Ollie, which was NOT so good.

He had the best description of what sets the Rogues apart from the other villains… "When criminals want to scare each other… they tell Joker stories." No way is he a ripoff of that.

He only wants to play darts… geez.

Wasn't this episode originally plotted for Aquaman, anyway? I seem to recall hearing it got retro-fitted for Diana when the same pilot series prevented them from using Arthur himself.

Although they did mention Cupid replacing Harley in that context, but she was also heard with Deadshot, so….

Because we would have had to see Cisco's burn off too, and that is just sick.

Oh, Ollie, Ollie, Ollie (Sava, that is….)

How're they gonna get a scorpion to sting Ollie in the heel on top of a glacier?

My store's shipping it to me. I'll get it Friday… SHHHHH

Still waiting for Blake to make an appearance and really scramble things up…..

No you wouldn't; that's why they had to move to Winnipeg.

It was seeing her in House of Lies that got me thinking of her for Tabby. Awesomely f***ed up character played perfectly.

Nextwave cast:

"Lauren Graham caused the cancellation of Firefly AND Enlisted!"