Rebecca Martin

Greg Weisman has said he had plans to use the Six in Young Justice.

Both Jane and The Game (BBCA, not BET) are worth the investment.

With the late start of the season due to football, is there time to have off weeks and still finish 23 episodes by May? It's a tight fit.

Wells is the Monitor; making sure that Barry is available to end the Crisis, despite the Reverse-Flash's efforts to change history by eliminating Barry.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who squee'd a bit when I saw those glasses on him. Even if they don't call him Temple Fugate (his DCAU name, but Tockman was the older version, I guess), this character is far more Alan Rachins than Walter Slezak.

It's not like DC ever did anything with the idea, so why not?

Unless there was a gorilla in Prison Break, I think you're missing the point of his snark.

Interesting; I figured Corrigan was a ghost because he seemed to jump instantaneously from place to place — he was in a hurry to leave the spell-casting, after all. Then we got him all green and white and bloody — I'm betting the revelation is that Zed was involved in his death? And he doesn't know he's dead yet.

Diggle needed that spade to complete a royal flush is what I figured he meant?

Sherwood Florist was the name Dinah Lance used for her flower shop when Black Canary was a florist (her original occupation, at least up until Crisis).

Give me a "Saltpeter… Pins" argument between Ichabod and Abbie any time, rather than this.

Next week on Tyrant:

How can you "Puht tha Buuuhhhnnyy DOAOWN" if the bunny is weightless? They never think of these things until it's too late….

This is actually the problem I had with casting Duncan as the Kingpin. The Kingpin was specifically a white gang boss who exploited poor and black neighborhoods. He was Marvel's version of Mr. Big, and characters like the Falcon couldn't WAIT to get their hands on him. (Yes, he was first seen in Spider-Man, but

Keith David : the Hill Brothers vs. Goliath : the Trio

But it's such a WONDERFUL story! And I brought visual aids.

Enlisted — of course it got mangled by Fox; that's what Fox does with shows too good for it to appreciate.

Really hoping Nolan and Irisa get a payback for their continued bitch-slapping of Tommy real soon. For Nolan to whine about being back-stabbed while his knife is still sticking out of the kid's spine is arrogance worthy of Datak.

I am usually yelling, "Get off my TV!" when contestants make wagers that fail to help them win.

Don't be so sure about that; Lynda has been able to make a career for four decades now on that laughably written series.