Steven Wright

If you don't know why that was important….you missed a lot. I feel sorry for you and suggest you watch the series again

I won't spoil it for you…..but the shoplifting becomes VERY important

In season 4, Marie was arrested. This led to injured and off duty Hank calling in a favor with his police detective friend to have the charges dropped. The detective just happened to be investigating the death of Gale Boetticher, and asked Hank in return for opinions on the case file because it included references to

there better be something a lot more for Jimmy to change his name and everything. Right now this whole Chuck thing for 2 AND HALF SEASONS….has been very lame and boring

the writing has been predictable, boring and dragged out for 2 and half seasons now. This show better start moving in direction fast….its like we are still at season 1

this was the best episode? A long drawn out court episode that was very predictable and rehashing Chuck's condition…..AGAIN! Please. BCS needs to start moving in some sort of direction….its like we are still in season 1.

not seeing the masterpiece yet. Slow and boring. Was hoping this season would speed up. You can fast forward through a lot of episodes because its not needed. Hopefully it gets better

I am the biggest BB fan and it is nice to see familiar faces….but I am not understanding how all of you think this is a great show. 2 and half seasons now and really not much that couldn't be done in 5 episodes. The writing is dragging, the show is boring and if you fast forward this show, you don't miss anything.