Dewey Crowe

"ass holster" would've been funnier imo, and gender neutral!

i believe you

that post paints a bleak and disturbing portrait of your sexual psychology, killa.fish, especially the richard ramirez thing. wow. bundy, maybe. anyway putin's like 5'4" and has flappy mantits. the practical reality of putin in a leather daddy getup would be a lot more comical in reality than in fantasy.

pooty poot's one dry, sarcastic bastard. dr strangelove is probably just his speed.

if your argument is that christians don't have complete cultural hegemony over the western world, you're an idiot. there's no room for debate, it just is.

so if the population of atheists in the united states is 3.1%, then your bullshit victim complex is validated? yeah this is why christians get stereotyped as stupid. lotta great thinkers in the christian tradition, so it's not your faith that makes you reason like a four year old. just comes natural i guess?

you can believe in stupid things and not be stupid. pretty much everybody believes in stupid things, and smart people are particularly good at convincing themselves to believe stupid things. it's a well-known phenomenon.

god damn you're lazy

sure it's not like women's reproductive health is in jeopardy or children are being taught magic sky daddy in schools or medical breakthroughs are being stymied, nope. just liquor on sunday, crack a damn newspaper someday.

i'm sorry a simple conversation on the internet caused your blood pressure to skyrocket and for you to throw multiple longwinded tantrums at a stranger. not very christian of you imo.

the thing you're missing about my post, though, is that your goofy ass religion actually affects my daily life through its total cultural hegemony via blue laws and social engineering. i understand why you ignored that part, it contradicts your absurd victim complex that apparently stems from being made to feel

it's not snark. the entire western world revolves around your goofy ass religion. i didn't say you're stupid for being religious, i said you can go ahead and suck it up, buttercup. you can just go ahead and deal with some internet comments that rub you the wrong way, and i'll deal with not being able to buy liquor on

reported for asserting that knocked up and 40 year old virgin are male fantasies instead of nightmare scenarios played for uncomfortable laughs

you could still do all that stuff and not be a christian, it would be pretty easy actually

atheists make up about 1% of the population. you can have the entire rest of everything else and continue to enjoy total cultural hegemony, and we can have the comment sections. deal?

bush killed hundreds of thousands of people for no reason, 45 still got a ways to go. please stop pushing the harmless bush meme

the homeless

nope sorry writing a bajillion words about your Very Strong Comic Book Feelings doesn't make them less trivial and worthy of total disregard

that's because he jacks it to bare feet

just because it vaguely agrees with your political biases doesn't mean it doesn't sound like it was written by a 14 year old. if i want to watch a bunch of strawmen yell at each other i'll rewatch the academy award winning film crash (2004)