Dewey Crowe

that's what piers morgan does and it's actually a really bad way to conduct interviews.

this strikes me as weirdly paternal, worrying that the interview won't be aggressive enough as a hit piece to keep alex jones from brainwashing the masses with his incredible powers of persuasion. the guy's a clown, anyone who thinks he's serious was gonna swallow the first wad of wacky bullshit that came along anyway.

thank god for more zombie media

my wife has chronic menorrhagia yo, she ain't lucky in the uterus department.

nah. your body can regulate its own temperature via sweat in low humidity, it can't in high humidity. high humidity is objectively worse.

lol "another journalist"

lol i'll have to inform my wife of that, she's convinced that xl tampons are uncomfortable to walk around in due to her vagina having a size. stuffing the biggest tube of cotton possible up there instead of just switching them out more quickly when you're on a heavy flow is an obviously superior method, thank you for

people make great art and don't sell it all the time, but that has nothing to do with my point.

idk if a toy commercial about a lady in a metal bra deflecting bullets with her bracelets is really that great a blow to patriarchy but if it makes you happy that's cool too i guess

he bought a big bag of off-brand steroids from china and is mixing it in with his legal storebought supplements.

it's not bad writing. women are scenery in strip clubs, that's what strip clubs are for. it's a pretty thoughtful juxtaposition imo, providing context for the women being commodified.

it's the difference between rihanna and beyonce. or britney and xtina. or ozzy and dio. kurt and chris cornell. drake and usher. the former have questionable pitch and tone and poor control of their instrument, the latter can fucking sing.

that's an extremely mediocre vocal performance. britney's not a singer, she's a vocalist. huge difference.

megyn "pepper spray is a food product, essentially" kelly

it's the right thing to do. thanks!

im not upset about this but that's because i already thought maher was a piece of shit and nothing about this surprises me

as someone with a bit of a deep south white accent, it absolutely does have a hard "r."

this is good content

it might be useful to know if there was a comparable dropoff in readership for liberal rags early 2009/13

it's not weird. libertarians don't like military activism and the surveillance state. for an extremely brief time during bush's term, democrats also were against those things.