
I realize this probably makes me melodramatic unrealistic cheesy soap opera loving trash, but I would unironically ADORE a spinoff/sequel to Grey's, featuring all of the main cast's children ( Zola, Sofia, Tuck, Bailey, Ellis) as med students/interns/doctors. Zola has spina bifida and hydrocephalus, after all-she'd be

I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. My condolences to you and your family.

I actually disagree-I think Derek's death is having such a huge impact precisely because it seems to have been done so thoughtlessly. If he had been given a beautiful, respectful, well-planned send-off, I think viewers would have been able to accept his death more easily-it's the fact that he was killed off in such a

I don't know that I quite understand this argument. It's one thing to say frequent character deaths are a sign of poor writing, but to call them "insulting" and "disrespectful" seems a tad hyperbolic. Yes, "death is an actual life event that has more effect than a Twitter explosion and a brief bump in ratings", but