
In fact, we should ask him to do that.

Also the guy saying "Ward sends his regards" a few eps ago. But really the Davos thing almost had me lost once, I thought people were suddenly talking abot Game of Thrones.

Daredevil is sort of the worst with couples imo so I'd say you're not missing out. They just couldn't sell me one to save their lives. Although to their credit Matt and Karen know nothing about each other so there's no reason they'd succeed at having a romantic relationship.

I definitely love how there's nothing to suggest that K'un Lun is a happy place inhabited by nice wise Asian people who need a white saviour. Danny weirdly seems to see it as such despite the indication that it's quite the opposite, but he's possibly the single most unreliable narrator (along with Davos himself I

I get what the approach is, what I mean is it seemed quite clear to me that Danny is marvelously bad at everything he does and it really had to include being the IF. He can't even, you know, use the fist whenever he likes. And I'm not the sharpest knife, so it feels like people and critics in particular would just

I don't even know why one should be surprised at liking them. It's, like, one of the most believable romantic relationships in the MCU: they're cute as hell, they have nice chemistry, they have things in common and they went through enough together to develop a strong bond. What else should we want from a fictional

Gah, I know, it's such a great episode. Oh my God I actually said that.

Sorry (well I'm sure you don't care) but I'm not jumping on this particular bandwagon. Danny was raised to be a buddhist (decorative trappings included) and seems sincere enough or he would have reverted to whatever religion it is that he professed aged ten. I'm not going to judge how bad he is at his own religion

With this starts my string of favourite episodes. I'd like to address a few points from this review:

I'm sure they can get them right if they keep going with multi ethnic ninjas because big part of what made them annoying was the idea the show sold (I'm not saying that was the intention, but some things just strike you a certain way) that Asia is the enemy. Plus the fact that Elektra was the Black Sky sort of made

I really don't know about the comics, I didn't read many of those. On the show they were what you just described and they just… Don't make compelling villains? Like Fisk and Cottonmouth were great, Kilgrave wasn't bad either although it was mostly due to Tennant being brilliant; the Hand was simply a bunch of

So Danny being a Buddhist boy is racist? Okay.

On the other hand though, imagine the accusations of orientalism etc.

I didn't know about that! I should probably rewatch it, I'd like to see if/how that made it different than the others.

I didn't say he was well versed in interpersonal relationships, I said he was the opposite of naive and childish.
Marlon Brando was excellent at playing emotionally stunted men but then again Marlon Brando was a freaking God and maybe we should lower our expectations a little bit here.
I don't know about laughing

Aw sorry, I'm terrible. To my credit I also thought only I saw that movie

Exactly lol.

I have ikea wine glasses I kinda enjoy looking semi-fancy with (if only I drank wine more often). I don't particularly like pop corns though, so there goes my Olivia Pope cosplayer (well I'm also boringly white and not nearly as beautiful).

I can't speak for Dexter but Danny seems far from beyond criticism to me. He's been called all kinds of names both on and offscreen and apart from getting Rand back he didn't even win anything important he engaged himself in. He's been pretty much a disaster on all fronts and while someone is sticking with him because

Funny thing is I never watched Dexter and it's staring at me from Netflix but knowing that Buck reportedly ruined it is keeping me from starting it.