
I actually love Mellie and Marcus together, they clearly adore each other and they're like… Pure? But I get why something pure has to smashed on this show.
I'm more and more convinced Jake is the who in the whodunnit.

This Sicily thing is quite nonsensical but I get what you mean, it's heavily influenced by the media themselves which long depicted Italo-American mafiosi as dark skinned. There are really just as many dark skinned Sicilians as there are pales, but the question is really what does one mean by "of color"? I'm no longer

Same for me. I have to remind myself that anyone who isn't WASP is basically a different race in America, but it's really effed up.

Elena DiNola was played by an Italian woman too. Maybe Luisa's mother was Latina? I can't remember her name, so I might be wrong. From an Italian's perspective though, Latinos and Italians basically very often look the same. We don't consider Latinos POC unless they have a part African descent, so I kind of understand

True. Only with her, though.

I think Rafael was never Latino, though. It seemed pretty clear to me that he was always Italian, maybe part Jewish (again like Baldoni).

He's a pretty caring person I think, I'm afraid it's more like he's a fool.

So Rafael finally realized that Petra is traumatized and in need of professional help? I wish he'd asked me, I would have told him months ago.

I'm watching it right now and thank you for linking it to me because it's really interesting and I'm going to bookmark that channel!

It was once, so why not? I can see that happening in a very reality-check way. It's not even the wedding stuff, I guess she might afford that, but I wonder how much she paid that other woman to postpone her own wedding or at least give up that dream location.

I think it's not so much that her weight fluctuates, although it maybe does, but she just looks thinner or more curvatious sometimes due to what she's wearing, again, like normal people. Anyway I don't find it hard to buy her as a size six, she's got heavy boobs but seems otherwhise tiny enough.

It's just outragious that she didn't get nominated. She acts, sings, sometimes dances and often writes this show, what else do they want, blood? (In that case they might go watch Period Sex)

I think it has a lot to do with one's personal history, IDK. They both hurt to an extent but like Operetta said here, "You Stupid Bitch" has a lot more to do with self-loathing whereas "Tell Me I'm Okay" is kind of about asking for validation and there are probably more people who can relate to that because so many of

I think she may have gotten a raise before and maybe another under the new administration but she obviously knows nothing of money management and she's really been spending a lot. She clearly never worried about it before since she does look like she comes from a wealthy family and had a very well paid job before.

Right? Which is why I'm shifting from 'Maybe Jake did it' to 'Maybe she did it'.

I'm all for broken characters and even for characters that are somewhat bad for Rebecca because I like her as someone who shouldn't be in a relationship right now, that's actually what I like about the show. If anything I'm thinking Nathaniel isn't convincing or believable in his brokenness, if that makes sense.

Same tbh. Although she originally got upset because Rebecca kissed and only after it because she was essentially betrayed her, it's pretty much true that she was right about her. Which Becks herself ended up admitting.

That's what I keep telling everyone on tumblr, like by American standards the main cast has literally two straight white characters and it doesn't seem like too many to me.

But it's really… not that bad? I mean we had fart and poop stuff this week. Although I guess men hate that women bleed [cit]

I did think the girl group one or the make over one felt more transitional though, and those are probably the ones I would have graded a B. I felt like this took perhaps a little too long to establish how overwhelmed Rebecca was bound to feel but the last 15 minutes were extremely rewarding.