Laura H


Great review.

I've binge watched all 4 seasons and making my way thru this season in about 2 weeks-I'm chain watching The Good Wife. I'm actually trying to slow down now, rationing them out lol.

I laughed lots at that. The unexpected politeness. Love it!

Omg. Such a good episode! I started off wanting to cry for Will-his wee face when he realised the truth….to cheering for Alicia's court room smack down.

Agree about Will and Alicia being hot….but now Will knows what's happening…hell hath no fury like a lawyer scorned. Or something like that any way.

Seriously one of the funniest episodes. "Anal" made me choke on my cup of tea :)

He really sold it too

Fitz crying? Adorable.

Clyde as a Shark? Win.

Man I want to punch Walter in his smug face. I'm really hoping mike does that by the end of the season for me :)

Man I want to punch Walter in his smug face. I'm really hoping mike does that by the end of the season for me :)

No he must be dead, he must be…!!! Oh….ok then.