
In my experience, Metallica concerts are quite dry. I'm referring to urine, but everyone's entitled to his opinion.

Yes, I'm aware of those bands, and I don't consider any of them pop. That's all I meant. I will now slink back into the shadows, reminded why I hate commenting.

"Pop-punk" is an oxymoron.
That is all.

Another reason to wish Amazon would add a feature that removes self-published titles from search results. Probably not going to happen when the grabbing hands can make a mint out of crap.

I guess the torture and madness wasn't enough to clue your co-workers in on the crazy obsession. Maybe they needed it spelled out, as with Batman: The Animated Series, where all the characters, even Harley herself, called the "relationship" a sick infatuation. When other Batman villains call the Joker abusive,

Hmm, not much of a spoiler, considering—well, I don't want to spoil anything, either, so thank you for taking a look for the rest of us.

Any tears over that would come from joy. Divorce is a beautiful thing, isn't it?

The librarian ghost in the original did it for me. I buried my head in the crook of my mom's arm and refused to watch another second. We were at a drive-in (yes, really), so I recall peeking at other screens: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and some Star Trek movie. Luckily I didn't spot anything worse, such

Out of all the extreme horror I've watched, I've switched off one movie and have no desire to try it again. A woman has an accident and becomes so fascinated with the wound she develops a literal appetite for it. When she rents a hotel room so she can self-feast uninterrupted, I'd had my, er, fill of the movie and

My mom cries every time Han Solo freezes in carbonite.

I didn't feel that way while watching Martyrs, compared to so many other horror movies, such as Hostel and I Saw the Devil, where I felt like some scenes were shot and drawn out for the viewer to not sympathize with the victims but to join in with the villains' fun. Two attempted rape scenes (one a school girl,