
So between "being courteous" and trying to prove a point by saying their faces look like fucking tubercles there is no middle ground? Really? Well, actually, taking a look at the comments both here and Twitter, I can see there is no point in continuing to argue about this. I can only say that I am really glad I am not

That's my point. And, if not just ethical, for practical reasons: by resorting to this cheap "criticism", you are actually providing them with fuel. You are showing exactly the kind of mentality they can deal with. If this is just a mud fight in which to trade insults… Well, the actually have a chance even if its is

Of course it is. But it is also the fact that we despise them for being abusive towards and even wanting to annhilate other "races" (on the grounds that they are physically and mentally inferior) while reacting by immediatelly considering them physically grotesque and sexually unsuccessful individuals. Irony cuts both

Well, the part that discourages me the most is that there have not even been allusions (not that I have seen) to sheep fucking or up-to-three-generation inbreeding. I love the classics.

You have a bunch of white supremacists marching through the streets on the eve of a major conflict with a foreign country and you think the sensible choice for your piece on this matter is… body shaming? Yep, things are indeed fucked up. More than I thought.

It's a rare thing to see an actor who actually has something interesting, not prefabricated to say about the character they played, but even more so one so aware of the things going on on the show they played their part.

Yeah, a "crowd-pleaser" written by a blacklisted author, produced by a star pissed at not being offered the role he wanted in Ben-Hur, with and obvious lefty subtext and clear allusions to homosexuality. Of course, It is a wonder the Academy, an institution widely known for its progressive views, did not paid much