
99% huh? Movie lovers, like myself, get information from all sorts of sources. I looked it up and 77% of "movie lovers" know him from his body of work and his auto-biography and the subsequent documentary, not the few random cultural references to him. I doubt any of the millions of movie loving fans that read his

It's not a fact. I bet if you asked Patton Oswald what he thought of Bob Evans his reaction would not be, that guy is a joke. And Kid Notorious ruled and you know it!!

Dustin Hoffman also does an impression of him at the end of The Kid Stays.. and I assure you does not think of Evans as a joke.

"Evans is regarded as a joke by most movie lovers"? Really, Kayla Kumari? The man who produced the Godfather I and II, Chinatown, Rosemary's Baby, Marathon Man and saved Paramount Studios is funny, but his body of work is no joke.
And he didn't narrate his own doc, they used the audio from the book.