
Actually, Jenna is really great singer, from the amount of time they let her sing in 1st and 2nd season after that they pretty much p**sed on her. And as for acting, shes good also. Cannot expect an actor to perform well when writing is atrocious. 1st and 2nd season Tina was awesome, but then just like every character

Let chord call himself and darren whatever he wants. People who had been watching Glee since pilot will never accept them as original. And their stans can kick and scream all they want but thats a fact, they are not originals and will never be originals :)

Glee isn't limping, its crawling.

THANK GOD they didn't have a scene. I would have second hand embarrassment watching Darren "act" next to Gina F***ing Gershon!

The part where they went and pretty much tried and destroy Brittanys character to make klaine believable pisses me off to no end. And no way in hell would Santana be ok with this considering Kurt pissing on them when they got engaged.

Be honest how would you rate this episode if you take out all the klaine BS? From Brittana point of view, Brittany's parents, Santana's mom and Abuela the show was brilliant. It was funny and yet deep and full of love. The opening scene was f**ling hillarious! And then you have Klaine that was forced and boring AF