
My thought on his motive is that if the company goes under due to the IP issues, he doesn't have a non-compete clause and can shop the idea elsewhere.

With Tinder, the girl isn't delivered to your sofa asleep.

It would if you say "she called out for you". There is an empathetic way to say it: She said your name before she passed, you were on her mind. And that way, you don't have to be a sonofabitch and whitewash your mother's last words.

It's already in Jimmy's mind- he just missed his mother passing. His mother saying his name is probably the only positive thing Jimmy could take away from it.

So… nacho had an accomplice? Because whoever wrote that note also wedged a branch against the horn… and nacho was in his sights the whole time. I can't imagine nacho wants anyone to know about his connection to Mike.

You don't have to say "and you weren't here", haha. Just, mom woke up for a moment and said your name. Shows she was thinking of him in her last moments. That is better.

I don't know… the homeless girl looked like she was tricking to survive, $10 in makeup isn't asking much of her. She might have been kicked out of a home 24 hours earlier with no cash.

I thought they shot this in the Carolinas?

Why is it cheap? Everyone knows that bit of trivia, so it helps us relate Negan to the real world.

He rides what looks like a modern Honda, which requires much more precise shifting than some old 3-speed pickup truck. There were also an awful lot of shifts during that conversation…

I will, thank your for your support.

It's not "problematic" for anybody to examine anything. Curiosity is a good thing. It doesn't even matter if he handles it clumsily or misrepresents it. The fact that he is brave enough to try is worth much more than your criticism. This is Louis' show, he doesn't need to turn it over to a trans person just to explore

I couldn't disagree with the review more, this is second only to episode 3 for my taste.

Mama Baskets is just being a southern lady, dressing up a bad situation to be more presentable. She spends the entire episode showing contempt for Penelope in the guise of treating her to a day out. Grasping at dignity in an ugly circumstance is common in the south (IME, having grown up there). Some people call it

Thats definitely a Louie CK move. He did the same thing with his ex-wife being black and kids being white in Louie. Played it totally straight except for one line mentioning it. Then he cast a younger white girl for a flashback of the same character.

It got knocked into neutral during the Daryl/Jesus struggle. There is a shot of them very clearly bumping the column shift.

Man, you're trying hard to poke holes in the plot but not paying much attention. A column shift auto (at least from that era) is locked in Park only when the engine is running. Rick shut the engine off when he got out, and during the fight it was bumped into neutral.

Second: Jesus lifted the keys off Rick when he bumped into him. That was the old pickpocket trick.