
Hey, whatever blows your hair back!

Every Which Way But Lucid

Amazon shook Sinatra's hand. They oughta know.

The bandleader has a habit of sing-shouting a long, drawn out "Cooooollllld Blooooooodddedddddd!" when Stephen says something particularly burn-worthy and it's the most annoying part of the show. I wish he would stop.

"Nice shot, [candidate of your choice here]!"

Sorry DC Comics, but that one guy is now totally called Doctor Ropes.

Fun fact: the British accents for French people establishes Assassin's Creed Unity and Star Trek: The Next Generation as part of the same timeline.

If you're looking for a true Ghostbusters 3, I highly suggest you play the Ghostbusters video game for PS3/X360. It's written by Aykroyd and Ramis, plus they and Murray, Hudson, and Atherton reprise their roles in a new story. Even Max von Sydow cameos as Vigo the Carpathian! It's highly cinematic, much fun, and