Alan Sugar

"Daddy! An Elmer Fudd one is on!"

Eh. I got a lot on my plate. I'll skype with him and give him my two cents if he wants, but outside of that, he's on his own.

Charles Dickens was married to a boot?!

Yeah, it's a shame to see a few decent actors in what looks like a pretty bogus film. Emile Hirsch should also stop doing some of the dumb stuff he's doing. He was terrific in Prince Avalanche.

This confused me too, but I think he's got 29 years followed by 6 years of being monitored, or house arrest, or some such. But the discrepancies in how long the women got, I dunno what the deal is there.

This was my very favourite film for a long time, and is still up there somewhere. I've been mocked for rating something that's in a way kind of slight so highly, but as a music (and general pop culture) obsessed young male who's not mad about sharing and/or discussing feelings, and enjoys making lists, it hits me