
It always bugged me that David was hospitalized along with someone who encouraged his drug addiction, something I'm sure mental health professionals would try to avoid in real life. That's one plot hole down, I guess!

"I have a granddaughter!? Psych! I knew."

Lisa's seating chart had a Marxist next to a Leninist. I'm not sure that would actually work out.


"Quit flyin' in our sky, ya mootz!"

"I don’t get the joke with Science Cat’s vials of chemicals (Scandium, Ruthenium, Cerium, Einsteinium) which then dissipate and leave letters IENL in the air. Can any chemistry-minded folks help me out here?"

"Maybe he's never seen such a sweaty back before!"

It's been a while since French class, but I believe Archer is right about a female chauffeur being a chauffeuse.

Jillian isn't actually likable, she just seemed that way early on because being constantly abused by the boss covered up her unpleasantness. Like Toby from The Office!

No love for "Neongelo"?

Soemthing about the final gag - "This looks like nothing, but it's actually bad" - cracked me up for about half a minute straight.

I thought Lash's motivations were explored adequately-he's driven instinctively to kill other Inhumans, and his continued assertions that he only goes after bad ones are obviously just weak rationalizations.

Rad's breakdown is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

You will at least admit that Becky Lynch saying she'll fight dinosaurs and time-traveling robots felt real.

Everyone should definitely go back and watch the Fitz/Simmons "confrontation" a second time. I mean, even on the first go-round it felt kinda fishy, but on repeat viewing it's amazing how obvious it is that they're having a secret conversation about sneaking the box out.

I wouldn't say that the reveal happened when Dell showed up with sundaes. Pretty much as soon as he started cutting a promo in the ring it was obvious he was in on it.

"I grew up on a farm, you know. That was before the circus people took me away."

"I'll get to it when I get to it."

If there ever was a consensus against this show, there certainly hasn't been for several weeks now. Everyone has been super hyped for it!

I see the review and most of the comments talk about the rats as a low point, and wonder if maybe I'm too desensitized to violence.