
E2 Barry or Shipp Barry? :)

Well, only Deathstorm, really. And he sucks anyway.

Their plan got boned immediately because Cisco couldn't Vibe on Zoom.

I thought it was since Frost knew, but then it turned out she was working for Zoom so she was clued in.

His doppelanger is Zoom's comic counterpart, so they're at least teasing it as a possibility in the show.

Latter's probably out. But don't forget about Evil Wally.

It's an evil Jay from Earth 3. That's next season's arc!

The face was so distorted it looks like he's played by the elephant man.

Nope. They teased that the LSH will show up on one of the shows.

He will also bust out some sweet breakdancing moves.

It's not like she wasn't the smart one in her relationships on E1, though. :)

Listen, she had to carry the entirety of the exposition load. It's a big burden.

"People like post-credits sequences, who cares if we forgot to turn Sinestro heel to begin with?"

Easy to make an attachment to someone when they're sticking their tongue down your throat before stripping in front of you.

He had two arms so he's not the future GA (they confirmed Ollie's going to be missing one on Legends' future episode)

We came *thisclose* to that whole "Dude, she's mostly your sister" thing getting resolved in the creepiest way possible.

Or, more interestingly… it's kinda what the original Flash series was like.

You want to know how great this episode was?

Top five for sure. I'd definitely put the first Trickster episode ahead of it, since that had a similarly insane first ten minutes (it was the one where they got into the time vault for the first time and we had all of the Justice League insanity)

On the other hand, can I pitch a show with Miller as the mayor and Heat Wave as his chief of staff?