
LSH ring.

Well, they could always just have the Earth 1 version of Kara crash-land and assume we could keep track of both.

Someone else said it'll be E2 Wally. Makes sense.

Reynolds as GL or else.

Yeah, there's a reason Flash doesn't do as well on delayed viewing as some shows… because YOU NEED TO WATCH IMMEDIATELY.

We've all known Cisco was going to be Vibe since day one. Although blame Johns for suddenly turning Vibe into a high-powered meta with the New 52,I guess….

I'm hoping the gag is that it's Lisa or the dad, and that Len's still a bastard no matter where he turns up.

Glad they remembered to not have Ollie on the phone, since he died on the island.

I wasn't looking at her pants.

As I said to a friend halfway in: "This thing is an A from the first ten minutes, everything else is gravy."

I didn't clue in that it was JWS (just thought it was another shot of Gaustin in the future costume), but Supergirl was kinda obvious. :)

It was pretty clear they'll want to use her again. And kudos to the costume designers for… ahem… remembering that she wouldn't feel cold.

It's "Whichever Actor is Available That Week Man" I guess.

Watching it again… the guy in the mask is freaking me out since that's such a random loose end. Can't be Henry Allen since Barry's mom said he was fine… maybe THAT'S E2 Eddie?

I doubt they'd go that comic-book-literal after last year played it straighter than we'd like, but ya never know.

I just sat in front of the TV saying "holy shit" for an hour straight.

I kinda wish they'd have let the crowd stay home and just done a show with the crew's laughter, like that Steve Martin Muppet Show episode.

" In the meantime, you can see Ridley Scott’s The Martian, co-starring white actor Mackenzie Davis as Mindy Park, identified in the book as a Korean-American."

SHIELD is its own set of problems that's best left un-discussed at this time.

Not even close. Flash was neck deep into the Wells plotline by this point (and two episodes away from "Man in the Yellow Suit", which basically set up the rest of the season).