
"Granted that reveal will probably mean a lot more to comic readers than non-comic readers"

Was there a city of hyper-intelligent Apes?

If Legends doesn't last long, hopefully they resist the temptation to return Ray back to this show and just slot him into his natural role as Barry's science buddy on Flash.

And yet somehow, still funnier than The Muppets.

Vibrate his fingers through her skull.

If they're going to base it off the JSA and the Johns reboot, it'll be fine. The fact that Hawkman doesn't seem to be much more than a guest role probably means it'll be a B-plot.

Seconded. When an episode has so much plot momentum that introducing Hawkgirl and Aquaman are "oh, shit, that happened, too!", it's an A.

Gloriously so.

The "dick" line read was also great. His "Yeah, that's me" goofy smile when Patty mentioned his CCPD job was also hilarious.

Joe giving Iris his drop gun was so blatant I think one of them is going to wind up as a security officer on the Enterprise.


Yeesh. If any superhero needed to turn into a procedural, and not a brooding serialised morass, it's fucking Daredevil. IT'S LAW AND ORDER WITH SUPERHEROES! THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT!

Yeah, this certainly isn't my preferred take on Murdock. It sounds more like Miller / Bendis-style, which… no. No more of that. Part of the reason Waid's run (and Rucka's, to a lesser extent) was so great was that he explicitly moved away from the Miller characterisation.

I think we were joking about this in a Flash thread, but… yeah, the only criminal's Matt's likely to run across is if Million Dollar Listing NY is filming without a permit.

Really? Half the fun of high school and college was sitting back and watching your friends and roommates go at it in NHL 94 / Tecmo Bowl / SSF2 / etc. That way, you got to shit talk two people at once!

"And for some reason she likes to watch videos of people playing games.
That's a big thing, nowadays, which blows my fucking mind—people
actually care about watching other people play video games."

I think anyone who does close readings outside of university needs to be shot several times.

I see that and raise you Grodd fighting Solovar, best two of three falls.

What do you think this is, Zelda?

I doubt it'll be the strict "status quo", simply because I assume Barry is going to retain some memory of what happened (and possibly Wells as well).