
My mind continues to be blown that the 90s series is, somehow, in continuity with this one.

Or Bret Hart, because he has to make a kid in the front row happy.


Or they just didn't have the budget to show a guy who can throw lightning shock-stunning half the force on his walk out.

Not yet (at least, not explicitly; it's obvious how it got there now.)

Nah, I kinda want them to do the "you talk in your sleep" reveal from the comics.

It's not the season finale, it's 1x18, "All Star Team Up."

Except bringing back Moira probably leads to OMACs overrunning the planet or something. Ollie would probably be too stubborn to care, though.

As was said earlier, anyone dumb enough to wear a "Keep Calm and Han Shot First" t-shirt deserves to have their internal organs scrambled.

Part of me has always thought that Barry would wind up switching suits with Zoom somehow.

Agreed that the show could pull off the premise, mainly because it could be more limited than the stupidity you noted (shit, hadn't Clark already been on earth for YEARS when Barry's mom died? Wait, I promised myself I wouldn't get annoyed with that terrible series again.)

"Did the show build up to any of these in a logical way"

I still hoping he was going to say "Hunter Zolomon," so I was a bit peeved.

Joke response 1: It's freaking Vancouver, what did you expect? :)

You are, but I damn well recognised it. Too much other stuff going on, though.

"- Maybe it was just a glitch in my cable feed (it's been acting weird
today), but was that the Black Flash running alongside Barry when he
went back in time?"

"Jeez, why do they keep making these?"

The second the unseen fiance showed up, and it turned out Singh was badly injured, I figured they were keeping him around as a potential love interest for Hartley.

*shrug* Now they're Vancouver and Richmond. At least Barry'll get some decent Chinese out of the deal.

Well, until Brad Meltzer came along and suddenly Deathstroke was able to take out the JLA without breaking a sweat, but I see your point.