Picard Is Wesley's Father

The author unfairly maligns Prince of Egypt ("Deliver Us," "All I Ever Wanted," "The Plagues," "Through Heaven's Eyes," and "When You Believe" are all masterpieces; only the Steve Martin/Marty Short duet truly feels out of place) and Chicken Run is among the finest claymation films ever produced. Shrek and its

Garrison/Trump: "Everyone, I just need to speak from the heart here. Uh, I don't know what the f**k I'm doing. I've gotta come clean, I had no idea I would come this far. But the fact of the matter is I should not be president, okay? I will f**k this country up beyond repair. I am a sick, angry little man. Please, if

Big fan of the extra time dedicated developing Healy and Caputo.

I think we can all agree a Max von Sydow body is the most potent magic of all

I actually was less than floored by Dany's moment this week. I feel this character smugly stumbles into success week after week. A member of the contrived immortal trio (along with Tyrion and Snow), no bad decision ever holds her down for long. Brandon seems very impressed with Dany's "plan," but I can't imagine that

"The streaming service has partnered with the broadcasting company on a new adaptation of Richard Adams’ Watership Down." That sounds promising! "… the CGI animation for the production." Oh.

Plenty of other commenters have noted that Hellfire is mistakenly absent from the top 10 - in fact its not even in the top 70 - but God Help the Outcasts is ranked all the way down at 215. Another pleasant, religiously-themed ditty from Johnny Appleseed is ranked at 259.

I didnt't realize Owen Wilson was in this until I watched the trailer. Great French accent he's doing. But Chris Christie really steals the show here

I quite liked Think Tank (in his professorial alter ego) both taking an interest in Dean's academics and subtly keeping him from harms way as he arches his father. This is the sort of material that keeps the fans coming back

I see no need for a second season. I think the show tells a complete story as is.

I can't recall if it's the first time the show has used comic books to convey backstory, but we've had numerous clips from the Rusty Venture TV serial

"One would be hard-pressed to find a more perfect fantasy sequence in all of film…", a film from 1921 "hasn't aged a day", AV Club awards it an A minus

Of course, Rubio's third place in Iowa really did translate into a big win for the Florida senator. An increase an major contributions and big endorsements followed immediately afterward. A stronger than expected showing did in fact prove his electability. Whereas, Trump's second place finish after the hype and

You ever been in a storm, Wally?

A+ all the way. And you know why? BECAUSE I HATE YOU!!!

Go ahead and take modern Who seasons 1-8, but keep your filthy paws off of Classic Who!

You shut your mouth about Linda!

Ezra makes this show unwatchable

Though I personally enjoy the series, it seems to me that it is increasingly better suited to the Toonami block or Adult Swim. This episode's sex-metaphor song just feels out of place wedged between the silly antics on Gumball and the playful, metahumor of Teen Titans Go.