Picard Is Wesley's Father

I paid that Loch Ness monster about tree fiddy to get in here!

Yahoo Screen was one of the least intuitive streaming sites out there. Glitchy, hard to find, disorganized, and poorly promoted.

My personal favorites from Hamilton are "The World Was Wide Enough" and "What'd I Miss"

What happens to Corey now that he's been exposed?

Evan: "Where's Santa?"

I think I've fallen in love with Honey; Chelsey Crisp is gorgeous!

Yeah, Star Trek Into 9/11 Conspiracies didn't do it for me. Poor writing, odd pacing, and one of Cumberbatch's weakest roles to date.

Masterful series. I am impressed.

Kenan is always a treat

What is this "almost sinks" Attack of the Clones, you speak of? That's like saying the iceberg "almost" sank the Titanic.

Look, I dislike The Donald as much as the next person, but this was not an F episode. Standard mediocre SNL fare, I'd say. C- or D seems about right.

I always thought Starchy was some sort of donut-man…

I loved seeing them in concert a couple of years ago. Very talented duo

I had the Yahoo player crash several times a video. Also, the page was very unintuitive to navigate. Each week's new episode was practically hidden and the show's advertisements disguised as news articles on the Yahoo homepage were not too subtle.

Oh how long we have wandered in the desert awaiting entrance into this promised land!

Nathan For You? No, no. Nathan For Me!

"save for maybe J.J. Abrams' big budget fan films" … Am I right in remembering Abrams said he wasn't even a real fan of the series nor had he watched the original show? Also, did anyone else even like the sequel "Star Trek Into 9/11?"

This Christmas, Sir Patrick Stewart is Billy Hatcher

I actually think is the best episode of the season so far. I'm especially pleased it gave Grandma some character development. She's a character I had felt was completely neglected up until this point. Also, any episode with minimal Eddie in it is a winner.

Now this is the sort of Steven episode that makes me return every week