
That party everyone is trying to get to in 200 Cigarettes. Apparently, it was a great party.

It's definitely a thread. I thought that last season too, but now it's undeniable.

I'll be another voice saying I liked it way more than the critics seem to. So did my wife and kids.

I was worried about that cow joke too, but my 6 and 7 yr old kids didn't get it at all. They thought they were cool, seeing a movie with slightly more edge and darkness than we usually let them, but overall we as parents found no more actual problematic content. We all found the cast likable and it was cool that they

interesting! Ok, so not her.

Not on you, Great House Dagoth, but since you used the phrase - I'm not sure why everyone is so committed to giving the AV club the benefit of the doubt on this. It's ok to just say, yeah, they should have done better, even if no actress wanted to talk to them, they should have found a better way forward. It's been

It's seriously nuts. And "maybe every single woman was busy" is a ridiculous excuse. Even in the very unlikely event that they were, then the editors needed to figure some other way to get some female voices in reflection on this show. Work it out, don't just call it a day with only male voices in the mix.

Sure, I doubt they'd get SMG herself, or Alyson Hannigan although those people would be cool to hear from. But c'mon, Dawn, Tara, Cordelia, Harmony, Drusilla, Glory, Joyce, Faith, Kendra, Kennedy, Amy the Rat, Ms. Calendar, any of the slayerettes…all of those actresses were too busy for a 30 minute call? Sounds like

It's Buffy week and you do 11 Questions with 4 dudes from the show? These guys are all great, but if you're honoring a show focused on literally empowered female, it would be great if you gave at least equal representation to any of the many women who were on the show over the years.

Someone else should pick up the formula and do LGBT romances though, it seems easy to do and there's a market.

The Alex stuff really resonated with me, down to the sleepover revelations, down to the flashbacks over an entire life of denied feelings. Those are real things that I experienced when I came out at 21, which felt late then. It's so heartening to see her story lovingly and carefully portrayed and to see the care the

They are just BEST FRIENDS who sleep over each other's houses and drink wine and watch movies while snuggled together at the end of a day. You know, regular old BEST FRIENDS like 30 something women always are.

I think Mermaid Springa is supposed to be a play on rumspringa, that time in Amish adolescence when the kids can join the "English" world and engage in non Amish life before they decide if the want to go back. The mermaid got to leave the sea for a while and didn't want to go back.