
For a such an innovator, Wylie Dufresne seems like a lovely guy, who is easy to please.
Oh hey, Wylie is coming over? No worries, just cook him some eggs!
Maybe toss a foam on it so he'd feel more comfy eating those eggs.
Because he loves eggs.

Is it just me or were there some flirty looks between Gregory and Andy Cohen?

Comets don't pass through atmosphere.

You're not the only one. I'd actually love to see the chefestants feed the scientist some molecular gastronomy.

I just can't deal with Richard as a judge. It was fun to watch him as a chefestant, because of his crazyass ideas that somehow worked, even if he was an arrogant whiny baby with fragile yet inflated ego. But As a judge, he pissed me off enough to write a couple of shoddily rhymed verses for him: