Paulie G

Imhotep was one of the few ancient Egyptian Gods who was a actually real person. The same duality can be said of Dr.Sweet/Dracula and Vanessa/Amunet. I love how Logan has created this ancient Egyptian theme - "a time when the old gods sang and it was thee and me".

TJ Miller kills it.

Oh no, not TD levels of tedious! I'm on episode 7 part 20 now, and I'm in for the long haul. I thought the first few episodes were thin, but it's getting better. I hope the end is solid. TD 2 was a major disappointment, but how could the first season be topped, really?

It's not the best show I've watched, but it's damn intriguing and entertaining. The first few episodes of season 2 were a little thin for me, but it gets better as the season progresses. I'm on episode 7 (part 20) now. I loved John's reaction when Diana confronts him……

Me too, Dad sure did enjoy looking at that Audubon painting of the wolf…..

So the "boy who was born that brought back the light" in the Apache prophecy - will that be Ethan, or a child he will conceive? If Ethan embraces darkness, which at this point he seems to be - he will bring forth the creatures of the night, and humanity will cease to exist. If Vanessa embraces the darkness, she will

Some posters are annoyed by the fact they think this episode detracted from the other story lines in the show. In fact, I think Logan was giving us another clue as to the purpose of every character.

What she went through, and what we watched her go through, we felt it - it was emotionally exhausting, but wonderful.

Agreed, and I love that Dracula/Lucifer are two demon male entities, but they are no match for the female "mother of evil" Amunet.

I think we did see the doctor drilling into her skull. It was horrifying. Interesting theory about Clare killing the doctor, and then being executed. I wonder if he would be capable of murder at this point in his life though? It was quite a distinction between the human, poetry hating orderly, and the monster,

This was one of my favorite episodes of the series. With just two actors - three if you count Patti, but really it was between Eva and Rory - I was completely emotionally drawn in to the tenderness and horror that is this show. The 19th century torture devices that were used in the name of "science" were truly

Pudding and pies, red meats, Logan phrases - let it be, sus.

Agreed! It's so noticeable sometimes I wondered if they actually used CGI to enhance it. Same with Ethan's face at times.

Ah! I had hoped to forget that…….

Yeah, Ethan did. And Vanessa, while she is possessed as Amunet, calls him out on it. I believe she said something like "did you let the pretty boy f u ck you?"

Dracula will likely be Amun-Ra and Vanessa is Amunet. Both Lucifer and Dracula/Amun-Ra fell, and are competing with each other to win over Amunet so they can rule together. Evil cannot purely exist without Amunet. Let us not forget the ancient Egypt thread and how this all started. Sir Ferdinand Lyle summed it up

Oh, he's aware, he warns the sheriff to start studying the occult.

No guilty pleasure for me. I get my nerd on looking for the literary gems that Logan so cleverly hides in each episode.

That scene with Dorian and Vanessa was amazing, "hello my child, I've been waiting……" wow!
