Paulie G

Agreed :)

All work and no play makes Renfield a dull boy ;)

Absolutely picked up on that too, Mr. Hyde wants to come out and play. All work and no play makes Hyde a dull boy :)

I just hope we get a "Renfield……you have…..betrayed me…..".

Dracula is a shapeshifter, so I'm sure some of his forms could potentially have a reflection? I know Stoker's Dracula did not have a reflection though, right? We have to remember that Dr. Sweet is in the "seduction" stage with Vanessa at this point. Once she is, as he said "abject and helpless", we will likely see

Really?! What part, I'm watching that now and didn't see Rudy/Biney in the cast!

Also, one of my favorite quotes "you came all the way from London to here, the Devil's ass hole, because it was your duty?"……"Precisely".

I read somewhere, I think it was a rotten tomatoes synopsis, that the next episode will be Vanessa-centric and will focus on her past. I cannot wait. When Eva Green is on screen, I feel hypnotized by her delivery. Love the show. Can't wait to see the story unfold.

Agreed, Alexorella. She is also working in a hospital on her feet all day, surrounded by viruses, bacteria, etc. I know the likely miscarriage will happen for a reason, plot wise, but Claire really annoys me sometimes. As if she thought showing up to the duel would accomplish anything.

I haven't read the books either, but the scene definitely had deviant sexual undertones since we see Fergus smelling what appears to be lavender oil on the nightstand just before we hear ominous music and see the British officer's uniform, then the door shuts………

When I saw the bottle on the nightstand, Fergus walks over and smells it, and then I saw the British officer's uniform, I literally screamed "it's lavender oil!!" Lavender oil will never be the same to me again!


According to Erlich, he's got an "aww shucks attitude, but he's actually a shrewd businessman".

"I hope you have a skimmer because there's a huge turd floating in your pool"…Erlich's lines continue to kill me. His coughing fit had me rolling.

Me too, I lost it when he started laughing maniacally before his coughing episode, and Jared said "he's intoxicated".

This place has nine bedrooms, that's pretty scary at night…..

Super late to the game here, but watched this and LOVED it. I've been searching for a quality horror film for a while now, and this movie satisfied my thirst immensely (TV's Penny Dreadful has more than aptly filled the void too, awesome show).

A Romanian gypsy perhaps? In Stoker's Dracula the gypsies were the Count's servants. Gypsy mythology also stems back to ancient Egypt, which I think is crucial to this show. The vampire hieroglyphs, the scorpion, Amunet, Amun-Ra, Sir Malcom's adventures in Africa. I think it's all going to tie together in a

He cuts up a few barbie dolls and is forever cast as the dual-natured Dr. and killer ;)

When Lily spoke to Justine about the revenge they will seek for all the men that have abused them, Lily seemed grateful to her "creator" for giving her this second chance. Victor killed Brona the abused (except by Ethan…) and created Lily - who will be given the chance to avenge her abusers. I think she is grateful