Paulie G

"That's not an egg, that's a huevo". Hilarious movie.

Ohh, I like that. His true form must look horrific because Renfield looked terrified when he saw him in episode 1. Can't wait to see the shapeshifter in action.

I remember, was it last season?, Ethan talking about how he killed many Native Americans after the American Civil War. That scene when he was telling the group about the atrocities he had committed as a US soldier was haunting. So, I think, maybe, K seeks his revenge by putting the wolf curse on Ethan? We'll see!

I like that they didn't jerk us around with Dracula and revealed it early on. I knew it would be Dr. Sweet, and commented on it last week. After all, the Ice Truck Killer wouldn't be playing a nice guy ;) Christian Camargo plays a great "dual-nature" character. He was pretty convincing as the Dr. Rudy on Dexter.

Me too! Although, I must admit, this show is not for the faint of heart, or for the literary neophyte. It's heavy on references that the general public would not understand and brush off.


I love the Native American spirituality they are bringing to the show. Native American beliefs were very much centered on nature and animals. I think it would be fitting if Kaetenay put the "wolf curse" on Ethan considering Ethan slaughtered K's family. Very nice twist if true.

Love it. Ancient Egypt will play a big role I think. Remember the vampires from season 1 covered in hieroglyphs? It all ties together in a very unique, incredibly well-written way.

Nice nod to De Sade, and also LeFanu's Carmilla, published about 25 yrs before Stoker's Dracula.

Sure seems like it. When he said "the things we do….for love", he was convincingly looking at Victor in a very deliberate way.

Yep, and also Lily and Justine are a callback to LeFanu's Carmilla, published about 25 yrs before Stoker's Dracula. Lots of literary gems in this show.

Loved that scene. The music…….

I look forward to your comments each week about as much as I look forward to the show, you magnificent queen.

A few people have mentioned that Dr. Sweet/Dracula has Vanessa repeat her name three times, pretending not to remember her name. I think this is a very telling, and a great little gem planted by the writers.

I agree it is amazing, but I think most people would not understand the literary references that Logan is playing with here. Most people need it spelled out for them. I love the show, and I kind of enjoy that it is hiding in the shadows for those of us that get it to enjoy ;)

Agreed. I kind of like that it is hiding in the shadows, however. It's fitting.

Stoker's Dracula could move around in daylight. We'll see how it plays out. Can't wait.

I caught that too. I think Malcom's adventures in Africa will be crucial. Remember the
vampires in season 1 with their hieroglyphs? Dracula has created an
ancient army of darkness and those guys were his "generals" so to speak.
Amunet is of course clawing at Vanessa….ancient Egypt is a crucial
thread through the

I think Malcom's adventures in Africa will be crucial. Remember the vampires in season 1 with their hieroglyphs? Dracula has created an ancient army of darkness and those guys were his "generals" so to speak. Amunet is of course clawing at Vanessa….ancient Egypt is a crucial thread through the entire story. Can't

Yes! The Ice Truck Killer (aka Biney) lives on, as a "possible" badass Dracula!