Paulie G

They covered The Ripper in season 1 when he was first blamed for one of Ethan's werewolf attacks (it was subtly done, but the dialogue referenced The Ripper for sure). Hopefully, they're done with that reference, since we're up to 1892 now, and The Ripper was supposedly last active in 1891.

Where do I begin? Renfield, Dr. Seward, Dracula, Dr. Jekyll. I am so excited!

Loved Last Kingdom for its more historical feel. Vikings seems a bit edgier with its filming and acting. Both great, in their own way.

The gay fish strikes again.

Love me some Dowager one-liners.

I adore watching GA and DD act, but this season's writing just isn't keeping my interest. The writing just doesn't flow.

I thought Amy's reaction to an engagement was hilarious, sitting there rubbing on Sheldon's shoulder with that goofy grin.

This guy is nutso. He rants about economics, all the while happily pocketing large sums of money for his "movies" and "stand-up".

I really enjoyed the scene between Max and Noah. Max said a lot of things that we, the audience, have thought - so it was nice to actually hear a character call Noah out on his BS. The look that Max throws Noah from the witness stand was chilling, just when I think I know who killed Scotty, the writers throw us for

Agreed. I don't think I'll ever forget the look on Noah's face when he sat down on the couch, high, and smiled sickly at "An American Dream" beside him.

Children were a heavy theme in this episode - Helen to Dr. Ullah "sometimes I wish I weren't a mother", Alison "I don't want this baby", Luisa "I am infertile". Very interesting revelations from each woman.

Bummer, man. I am looking for a new Christmas movie…

Yes! I couldn't place her either….She was also in "Crazy, Stupid, Love".

Could not figure out where I'd seen Sheldon's date Vanessa. It was Analeigh Tipton from "Crazy, Stupid, Love". She was great in that movie. Also loved "I wouldn't coitus her with your genitals".

Agreed. I think she was good in Girl, Interrupted because she actually didn't have to act…Pitt was probably at his best in Kalifornia.

Sounds like Jolie-Pitt googled "le film artistique" and went down the list making sure to meet the criteria (except shoestring budget, it cost millions to make this "film").

This is some funny stuff :)

The maternal influence was pretty heavy in this episode. Margaret and Helen's blow up was every emotional, and really put it out there how much of a negative influence Margaret has had on Helen's life. Also, Athena unleashed Noah's "dark chakra", which he followed up with forcibly removing Alison from her yoga

I agree, Dana. It will be interesting to see this scene from Alison's POV. I think it was ambiguous for a reason.

I hope Maura T wins some awards for this season, she deserves it.