Paulie G



This show gets better and better. The fight between Uhtred and Ubba was fantastic, the Achilles slice was very realistic. I liked Ubba's character, I was actually sorry to see that huge Dane go. The moment Uhtred backs into the darkness, only to have Saxon army step into the light with their shields poised, just

I was surprised at how happy I was to see Oscar back, he is such a douche. I can't wait to see what it was he handed the lawyer. He hates both Cole and Noah so it should be interesting. It's pretty clear Cole took over the Lobster Roll, and I wonder if his new Latina wife (she said at the bar she wanted to own her

I am enjoying this season so far. Like others have said, I enjoyed Helen and Cole's POV's much more than Noah and Allison's. Noah and Allison's entire relationship seems to be based so much on a "salacious sexual appetite" that it's hard for me to even feel their deep connection for each other. Did anyone

I agree, Helen has to be involved somehow to pay for that lawyer. I think their daughter, Whitney, did it. She and Scotty had a fling over the summer that produced a lot of drama (and a child that was subsequently aborted). Whitney has mischief in her as well, remember she talked that young girl into trying to kill

I agree about the killer not being Cole or Noah, I'm thinking it's Noah's annoying daughter, Whitney. She and Scotty had a fling over the summer that we know nothing about, other than it produced a child that she aborted. I think there are more dark secrets there, and for Helen to pay for the top lawyer for Noah's

Adding to my post, perhaps that is why Lucifer as chosen Vanessa as his bride, wouldn't she technically be his niece if Malcolm is his brother and Vanessa is Malcolm's daughter? I love this show and theories on this post :)

That is an interesting theory, especially since we know that Malcolm had an affair with Vanessa's mother, and from the latest episode, we can infer that Vanessa is Malcolm's daughter…hmmmm…..

I thought this episode clarified that Malcolm is Vanessa's father. Evelyn hands him the scorpion and says "I suppose you've seen her grow up since she was a little girl…we all have our favorites". His affair with Vanessa's mother (who might have possessed similar powers to Vanessa, hence the cutwife asking Vanessa

I actually loved how they transitioned from Victor speaking of morphine addiction to how they both feel in their new relationships…."we're…enchanted". Love can be an addiction as well, especially if it's bad for you, yet you can't give it up.

I think Sembene is an African witch doctor. He mentioned once about "feeding on the flesh of his enemies to become them". Sounds like cannibalism/voodoo. I can't wait to see how they close this season. Last night's episode was fantastic, some of the best TV I've seen since True Detective.

Could it be that Sembene is an African cannibal/witch doctor? I remember in the last episode, he mentioned he knew what it was to "eat the flesh of your enemy - to become them" I'm paraphrasing, but it was something like that. I think he will serve a large purpose at the end of this season.

whoops, ha, that's "consume" their power….

I think Sembene is going to be important this season. He mentioned in this episode something about totems and understanding why it was important to have the "flesh of your enemy to consumer their power". I'm thinking African cannibal witch doctor?

I actually thought John Clare might try to go after Dr. Frankenstein once he discovers that Brona is in love with the Dr., and Vanessa will step in to protect the Dr. John Clare seems like he wouldn't hurt anyone that Vanessa vouched for at this point.

I really hope this Dorian/Angelique thing actually ties in with the plot this season, otherwise, it seems a bit like Showtime is trying too hard to push the homosexual/transgender envelope. Maybe Angelique is Mr. Lyle's "secret liaison" that Evelyn thinks she can use against him with the other museum board members.

Wasn't Orlando's lover Mina Murray also?

All great observations, Aeryl. I agree 100%. Poole's use of "Lupus Dei" were very specific pointing to Chandler as Vanessa's "protector". Also, Chandler was the one to perform Vanessa's "exorcism" at the end of season 1, speaking some very impressive Latin. Sembene has a great purpose too, as you noted with the

Anybody else see a doll that looked like Mina? Creepy!