
I have never said it was ok or that I supported women being mistreated. As a woman who has been beaten, I would never support a woman being mistreated. However, I am able to see fiction for what it is. As for women being sexualized, we do the same thing to men. It is usually not pointed out as much though. A few

I am a woman you twit. I don't enjoy seeing anyone made a victim of. Like I said, you don't know me or anything about me. All you are doing is making assumptions and in the process, making yourself look very foolish. You act like the only thing these books are about is making fun of women and sex. That shows that you

Wow…first of all, you know nothing about me. Secondly, you are rude and nasty and I hope your kid doesn't pick up those traits. It is a book. Everyone interprets things differently. Just because I enjoy reading something doesn't mean I have to like or agree with everything that is written in it. If you don't like

Actually I read these stories as a child and as an adult. I still enjoy them now as much if not more than I did as a child. These books are meant to be fun. Stop trying to make everything so serious. Some things are meant to be silly and fun. People like the author of this article always try to make things out of