That Kind of Agility

While meta humor is often derided, I did like the "How do I know you?" "Most people use a flow chart / We're gonna need a bigger flow chart" bit. Also, the return of why he has a new face: "A thing happened."

I can't wait to dive into this series. As you can probably tell, I'm not good at self-policing myself from spoilers, but I've seen this for a week now on Netflix and wanted to read some reviews to see if it was worth the time. Seems like it is.

"I believe, like me, that these men are extreme athletes."
I'm guessing this guy has mentioned he's Xtreme in the office before. Xtreme people love letting people know they're extreme. To the max. He plays old school Nintendo, but only with the Power Glove.

Lethal Weapon 5 already did it.


I'm not an organized religion guy, more of an accepting and loving everyone equal type, but I gotta say, making pro-Jesus a pejorative just seems intentionally antagonistic. Once I was able to make my own decisions I left Catholicism (for the most obvious, common reasons) but I don't shit all over people's right to

I'm convinced they're just doing it on purpose now.

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Missed the part where I said I was a liberal huh? That's ok, I'll let you get back to being right all the time.

OK, that's just you not liking where the story went now.

I'm tired of people saying how the scene SHOULD'VE went. Or that it "served no purpose". I guess people are privy to the scripts for the next few seasons, and know that Sansa's rape was DB and David satiating their crazy rape fetish, and not part of a story arc, or, you know, things that happens in fiction.

Whoa whoa whoa. Pump the brakes! No incest? I might as well watch Reign!

The AV Club
Rape, Done Right

C'mon, she doesn't do that, ever….

When Sansa was raped they focused on Reek, and that was wrong. I suppose if they zoomed in on Sansa or made the rape graphic that would've been better? No no no no. They were saying, "Sympathize with Theon, not Sansa." Except they weren't.

"We're not making the lead character of our big budget action film HALF DOG!"
Someone should've told the makers of Jupiter Ascending.

"Plus he's a Republican."

When is an article not an article? It's not a riddle. It's this. This isn't an article. This is useless filler.

I agree. I also sensed a little Sam Barsanti snark in Fey's direction, which isn't wholly surprising since this site lost it's fucking sense of humor years ago.

I'd like to know what is ok to joke about these days.

Something something Aloha.