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    Nick had another all-time classic "Nick Miller" line in this episode, "Why don't you tell that to the judge in your pants? Verdict's in. You're guilty."

    The books says "The History of True Crime in the MID West. Not the "Wild West." North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota being Midwest states and all should be your clue this isn't happening in the wild west..

    I do.

    The scene kept cutting back to Quinn to show his emotionlessness regarding having "abandoned" a child. He has a kid remember, and it's never mentioned. Carrie and Quinn are on opposite ends it seems as to how they deal with leaving a child to "protect them."

    "I loved the scene with Nora and the pastor in church, when he talks about his catatonic wife’s momentary lucidity" ummmm….what? That's her brother. Why are you referring to him like he's some random dude. Did you watch the show before this episode?

    There are FOUR episodes left. Not Two. Please fix your review.

    Wayward pines has FOUR more episodes to go. Don't know where you got two from…