
Yes, the opening sequence was remarkable, especially for live. Production values were diploma worthy. But it is hard to get excited about a show where the production far outweighs the performance.

I have to comment that the director, who had a serious obsession with a moving camera and short shots, should go back to film school. It looked more like a TV sitcom than any semblance a theatrical performance. I was getting seasick from all the moving closeups to the tracking shots, as we never got a break. It's


'Ye all shall stoppeth thy silly derivative talk-talk.' There's nothing wrong with works of fiction with elements of its genre as long as it done in a refreshing, entertaining and original manner. Just look at the highly regarded latest Star Wars movie, 99% derivative! Show looks like fun.

1. There is not one barely likable character.
2. The only interesting person is Romeo.
3. Exquisite/fascinating ballet sequences.
4. The show was so dark I had to change light-bulbs.
5. Everyone has baggage with expandable pockets.
6. Professional dancers are really nice people.
7. Excellent example of how to write shallow

A few questions at this point before I watch it again:
1. What was the significance behind the monocle and the picture?
2. Why wasn't there a mountain of skulls in the last montage?
3. Where did he get the food from?
(Wasn't there was another episode of hotel rooms changing, where the doctor and occupants were trying to

Duck Village Names:
1. Downton Abbey
2. Canardville
3. Quackington
4. Fowlty Towers

Letterman and Ferguson gone…
Project Greenlight is over…
The Leisure Class has been released…
Project Runway is almost over…
World Series done…
Daylight Saving Time is here…
Trump, Carson, Hillary, Elections…

1. I read somewhere that the film came in $200,000 under budget, 6.6% . If that is true Jason's comments about getting a better crash, and earlier even getting a second boom mic were right on the money.
2. Effie's actual job responsibilities as producer/ line producer were never clearly defined for the docu viewers.

How would your 7/10 rating compare to the other PR movies?
(Thanks for the analysis.)

My continuing thanks to posters Tar and azzip for providing exceptional insightful and informed commentary about the inner workings of film making. Much more interesting than this travesty of a documentary.

This show was originally billed as, "Project Greenlight is an American documentary television series focusing on first-time filmmakers being given the chance to direct a feature film." - Wikipedia. I was expecting a documentary/reality show about behind the film making process, to explain and create additional

Wow, does Effie have a hidden, (not so hidden) agenda. Does she practice what she preaches?
1. No midgets or anyone over 6'6" in the staff?
2. Is the percentage of left to right handed staff at the appx. 10% average?
3. No crew kippahs, turbans or cowboy hats sighted?
4. We've seen no handicapped crew.
5. Are ethnic

You must be from Long Island.

Duck Village Names:
1. Downton Abbey
2. Canardville
3. Quackington
4. Fowlty Towers

Oh, canard now. I was only winging it. It was the breast I could do.

No need to get down on the duck story, although it did seem to run afoul of the other plot lines. It was quite nicely hatched, I thought.

My observations:
1. I'm wondering if SHE has the best interests of the film truly at heart. If a line producer was given an additional 10% increase in budget you would think she would be grateful no matter how it got there.
2. Did she even produce a 2.7M plan for the movie if film was selected on the original

Jamie needs to work on his stamina.