
"help recast his previous projects as the ongoing untangling of a black man’s two-decade struggle with his sexuality"

Sooooo was there a purpose to his sexual fluidity storyline? Like is that something they'll actually keep exploring in the future? I think if they do something like that it'll make me feel less like this was just a lazy plot twist.
Or maybe I'm just being oversensitive and most viewers have been enjoying the ride. :)

Because there's already a paucity of compelling gay characters on television, and it's just annoying that yet another one has been given the "just needs to meet the right girl" trope.

I think everyone has made out with everyone at some point in a hot tub. ;p

>a lot of gay guys have dipped their toes in the lady pool

Okay I'm not trying to sound like I'm trolling or anything, but I don't really understand. If your sexuality doesn't "hinge on one gender," then that's awesome! But that's not what being gay is, at least for me and the vast majority of gay people I know. And your comment makes it sound kinda like you identify as bi as

Fair enough, but as you said yourself, you identify as bi. Jamal doesn't, or didn't. If being sexually fluid means being attracted to more than one gender, then that literally makes one less monosexual (i.e. gay or straight). It's not a bad thing and it doesn't have to make Jamal less queer or LGBT or what have you,

I mean, people who play identity police are being stupid. But I think there's also a difference between "experimenting with whoever" and "finding some women attractive, though not nearly as much as men." The latter is what most of us would consider bisexual, and I feel like gay guys who like to occasionally hook up

In response to number 6, no, the song they could AFFORD was C-list.

I've always assumed that "how come" = "how (did this or that) come into being/play/etc."

It's like they took this already campy gay classic BY ELTON JOHN OF ALL PEOPLE yet still decided to gay up the beat by a good 60 or 70 percent.

>he was simply citing her as one example of somebody who truly radiates themselves and their personality

I think Michelle's been kind of meh all season, at least so far. Definitely not as on point as she's been in seasons past.

The second movie was trying to be even sleeker, cooler, and more philosophical than the first one. It was trying too hard to be Matrix-y.

"It's a relic from the bad old days before the gay community decided to take down the "NO GIRLS ALLOWED" sign from its clubhouse. Women felt given the recent nature of their inclusion the community should probably make it clear that they were okay with cooties now."

Dare I say nubile.

Wait, seriously? Why was this nonsense upvoted? "Most gay guys I know are some shade of fucked up," what lovely anecdotal evidence that paints an already-marginalized community as deviant.

Well "best" doesn't necessarily mean most "relevant politically" or most popular.

Bro. Chicken fries are amazing. Now I want some.

I mean, to be fair, if there are only two left, ordering the last
two—especially when you know someone else will probably want one—is a little rude. Not a big deal, but it's inconsiderate.