I doubt it

I wonder how the Lay's crispy tacos taste compared to Doritos taco flavor. I've had the Doritos version, and they just taste like they have that taco seasoning sprinkled on them from a home taco kit. I didn't finish them.

Thanksgiving dinner, made by Mom. I've eaten it so many years, but it has never gotten old. It's a smorgasbord of traditional southern fall favorites. It took me until I was almost 30 to finally stop overeating. Mac N' Cheese, dressing, the amazing gravy from scratch, red rice, turkey, honey ham, greens and

That definitely seems like it would work well in the format. I honestly just assumed that IMAX was just another hoax designed to take more money for already expensive movie tickets, but I take it back. For the right movie, it's totally worth it!

I watched a movie in IMAX 3D for the first time recently. It was Spider-man: Homecoming, and I was honestly quite impressed!

AV Club does such a good job with recipes, but they avoid the simple truth: Most (not all) foods that taste good will make you fat af.

Asking you the same as FEDUP MD -

I know this is psuedo science (as far as I researched), but thinking back to the pregnancy, did you notice any difference in the food that the mother consumed during her pregnancies? Do you think there's any correlation between her diet during the time and the kid's eating habits? Again, I know this isn't

Flying broomsticks unionized and went on strike due to Ann Coulter, citing unbearable working conditions.

JR Crickets - Lemon Pepper Wings all day!!!

This is going to be the biggest legacy that Trump will leave behind. Thanks to his election, the floodgates are forever open to any and everyone running for president.

Am I the only one that thought "wemble" was a real word?

So of all the Muppets listed, the only one I couldn't remember from memory was Lips.

Is this why we don't have movable chairs in the McDonald's in the U.S?

This is the only show that I've ever watched and really, really fantasized of having a cameo on it. A man can dream. I've missed you, Larry.

you should not watch Iron Fist. If you found Luke Cage hard to get through… although I have already been disputed on this point.

Yes, Luke's story was a bit more engaging. I personally had to force myself to watch both.

I've said that I don't like to use qualifiers in arguments unless they mean something, and in this case it does.

WHOA! Tyler came with the video and the lyrics as well, but this beat is SLAMMIN!

"If anyone and everyone can figure out how to do it, not much harm in the government providing it."

Guilty as charged. I watched the first couple of episodes of season 1 and I couldn't get into it. At the urging of a friend, I gave it another shot this year, and boy and I glad I did! I am completely caught up now.