
A character like Bojack wouldn't work in Steven Universe. They're just fundamentally different shows with incompatible themes and worldviews. I think Lars is a bit more complex than you give him credit for and a fairly realistic portrayal of someone with anxiety. As someone with anxiety, this episode hit way too close

Bojack Horseman and Steven Universe are pretty much as polar opposite as it gets. If you want SU to be more like Bojack Horseman, it's possible you could be watching the wrong show.
I used to heavily dislike Lars, but I've really come around on him since The New Lars. I can see a lot of myself in him, actually (which

Bojack Horseman is great, but I don't see what it has to do with SU?

And she was in Nine Lives!
(Kevin Spacey talking cat movie)

"I guess she just lives in the ocean now."

They wanted Earth for the wealth of natural resources, right? They conquer other planets to become more powerful and to use the resources to produce new gems.

Maybe they drove Steven's belongings back home, came back for the baseball game, and then went back again via warp pad?

My favorite part of the episode was when Peridot lashes out at Amethyst about shapeshifting and how it's an "insult to your intended form." Amethyst sees right through it and asks what's *really* wrong. It just shows how much Amethyst has grown- I definitely couldn't have seen Season 1 Amethyst acting that way.

I'm fairly sure that the dance at the end was a reference to The Adolescence of Utena. Steven Universe has made Utena references before. I could be wrong, though.
I thought Pearl was pretty explicitly in love with Rose before- their fusion dance was pretty intimate in We Need to Talk, and they kissed at the end of it.

At one point Taystee said that Poussey sold weed, so that's probably it.

Go home DC, you're drunk.

Am I alone in my newfound hatred for Josh Gad? Frozen, Pixels, this movie… it's almost a gag reflex when I hear his voice now.

Yeah, I noticed that! Her gem might be cracked or something.

I like that idea! Jasper is a pretty different character from Peridot, so I agree that she has to be redeemed differently. I'm so on board for Jasper redemption, I can't wait!

Thank you for your forgiveness.

I knew they weren't going to destroy it (there are no bad guys in Steven Universe), and I don't have a huge issue with it or anything. Just felt a little odd.

There was a point at the end of the episode where I just thought, "…that's it??"
It just felt a little strange to have so much buildup if it was going to be resolved in 3 minutes.

Pearl has the upper body strength of a french fry and Jasper is like 5x bigger than her, but still. And it was never mentioned after that. Rip Jasper.

Agreed. I don't really have a huge problem with it, but it felt a little condensed.

Theeeere she gooooes
There she gooooes again