
I thought the designer dog belonged to one of of the AIDS victims- the one that Ned went to visit in the hospital with the broken tv. He was going on and on about his dog.

hurrah! SAB is back. I love when my PVR surprises me with new episodes.
Now that Carrie Diaries has been cancelled (sigh), what are the chances that Wilkie might come back? Bay did mention him this episode.

what plot point has been spoiled for you exactly? Tywin dies in Book 3.

duh. this whole review is for people who have read the books. read the warning at the top much?

Did I hear Max properly when he said one of the kids peed in his canteen? Most of the time I find Max spoiled and Kristina a whiny enabler but man did they both look devastated in the car ride home. And Adam really did look like he might kill somebody.

so all in all that was a pretty blah episode but I'm commenting because I want to keep those Switched at Birth reviews coming! So um, swingers? Daphne acting sullen? Angelo being completely self-absorbed? More Bay and Emmett please!

I need some help understanding Joel’s point of view/motivation in the story line. It might be that I relate too much with Julia here. I don’t understand why Joel has completely given up.

I just can't believe Kathryn and John will stay broken up. I don't think John could function without Kathryn! Can't they go to marriage counselling? Kathryn is sad but John's not really the cause of her sadness, is he? Boo to divorces. They can make their relationship work.
As usual, my heart breaks for poor

+1 to Ugh Angelo. Why is this man still on the show? This restaurant plot is boring. Where did all his money go? 1/3 of $5 million is hardly chump change.

Thanks! So maybe I didn't miss something after all…it really seemed like there was something ominous going on

yay! Switched at Birth is back! I missed part of the phone call Angelo got from his partner (or her daughter?) can someone fill me in? Is he being blackmailed?

Agreed! When Julia was talking to Zeke about how Camille has a right to an opinion about things that affect her, she was really talking about how Julia has a right to have an opinion about Joel's business decisions because those decisions have a financial affect on their family. Joel is getting screwed by Pete.

Yay for regular coverage of TCD!  I'm enjoying the show so far but am having a hard time picturing  this Carrie turning into the Carrie from SATC.  80s Carrie seems much more level headed and mature than millennium Carrie.  Is she going to transition to the flakier version of herself after falling on her head at prom