Pig Bodine

I can't help but suspect Nameless Numberhead Man. Nose army. Beef diaper.

Been awhile!

I had really hoped LCD would try something as ambitious as Bruno Mars' last appearance or like U2 did when they closed the show — head out into the crowd or roam the halls. Or at least maybe serve up just one of the older numbers — "All My Friends" in second slot. But they could hardly have been more stage-bound and

You mean the clown rapist who gets Albert's girlfriend pregnant? And everybody thinks Albert's the father? And it's Olivia Barrish from Repo Man.

OF COURSE the title of Todd VanDerWerff's new podcast begins with "I."

Well it's not as surprising as pulling a playing card out of a piece of fruit, but it's up there.

Maybe both?

"Mama! Wake uuuuuuup!"

Suddenly I feel guilty for laughing at the William Henry Harrison episode of Drunk History. "Make sure the government runs good…."

He was an extra in Blade Runner and Fast Times. Which is cool. But old.

"Freeloaders" ? No, dad, actually I was thinking maybe he could do a little editing on the audio side so loyal listeners don't have to deal with it. It's dull.

Yeah, I've found that if I skip ahead 20 min., that's usually right around the point he asks the guests about the last movie they saw. Which is where I get interested. But if there's extended donut-throwing or if the guests are being stupid about the games, I'm out.

I love DLM but he needs to figure out that grown men giggling as they throw donuts off a stage might be entertaining to a live audience, but it is DEADLY DULL AND ANNOYING to podcast listeners. That and 20 minutes on the prize bags is why I now have 12 episodes backed up and iTunes has unsubscribed me….

"That boulder is too large. I could lift a smaller one…."

Ahmad White works. He really, really works.

Oddly enough I re-watched "Amadeus" just last week (across three nights, no less) and would argue the 3 hour director's cut now on Netflix is inferior to (and pervier than) the 2 hr 40 min. theatrical edit.

"We could have stayed home and finished 'Amadeus….'"

And yet for his part, the Pusher don't care if you live or if you die. Goddamn Pusherman….

Yep. They're also a lot of the same movies that popped up on Epix last month.

Nah, a true risk addict wouldn't set any reminder at all. He'd just try to remember to watch BI2:RA… by sheer force of will.