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    honestly i thought the whole tricking her thing was less about verifying her allegiances and more about if she had learned from her mistake. she gave up the earth's free will to save the doctor, and now she had to kill the doctor for the earth to have a glimmer of hope of regaining that free will.

    missy actually was out of the inner vault at the end eating with the doctor by the fireplace. and as she said do you really think a door could stop her. i'd giver her ten minutes to get out of the pandorica

    well it wan't the first time who has used psychic powers even among humans. the idea that enough ordinary humans connected properly could utilize it to great effect was not that far fetched for doctor who. i had a lot more problem with the shakespeare witches who could stop one of his hearts with a word back in the

    i actually liked the way another show handled belief. abc's once upon a time in the US. sometimes believing in something is exactly what makes it true

    well the obsession and care she took crafting it made it more real and solid than any of her other memories. obsession is a powerful thing. i'm just wondering how memories of history got fixed as people she never knew had interactions she never knew about it throughout much of history. how can she replace what she

    or how he treated jack. my biggest problem was the soldiers with guns raiding the pyramid. i mean i know the anniversary special helped him work out some of his soldier issues but come on that is a pretty big 180

    there true form is donald trump

    they would have had to destroy us to take it by force.

    i had more problem with the doctor bringing a group of trained soldiers into a direct confrontation to kill the enemy with guns. he don't like soldiers or guns

    i honestly think it was also to see if bill had learned her lesson. she had just doomed the earth to save him.

    i think she could have done the callout while he was still in "utilitarian" mode. something about how that is not the doctor she knows the doctor she knows is a narcissistic guy who always believes he can find a way to save everyone and even though that isn't who she would be even if she became good the universe

    maybe just maybe he was affected as well. and had er and nardole have to do this and give her character some growth as she has to step up and get the doctor to believe she can make the difference the way she believed that he could

    yeah that was the season with the good threatening monologues. matt smith was great at those

    the doctor is so far beyond humans it is less believable when he isn't being condescending

    well there have been evidence of power of thought and psychokinesis and telepathy in who before. theidea that humans could be capable of it in great numbers with the right boosting tech is not the furthest out the show has gone or do you not remember the macbeth episode

    because in that moment bill did not do it to strategically save the doctor. that was her attempts at rationalization later on but as you said if that had been her thoughts at the time she would have been dusted

    technically this would be more handing them over to japan before they came into the war on germany's side and that would be espionage not treason. they had not attacked at the time. treason would require they be enemies at the time. all they had done was ask for consent and after being told impure consent would

    but what would the doctor have done to save her? that is the same argument missy was making. even that hour or two it took to arrange the attack and implement it probably cost the lives of hundreds of people worldwide. she refused to sacrifice one person to save many. that is the same flaw the doctor himself has.

    he likes moonlight

    he'd charm another female cop into filling out anything needed