
I think its hilarious the author of the Vox article completely sabotaged her relationship with Chase just to steal a huge headline. Most of these critics are just miserable.

Pretty spot on, although Walt letting Jane die and causing two planes to crash directly above his house was dumber than all that

It would be cool if this show happened before Saul went to New Mexico, so it wouldn't feel obligated to toss in cheesy breaking bad callbacks and references every episode, which I'm sure its going to do

Not only will this show exist outside of linear time, it will also exist outside of anything good

lol no it was a joke


haha he blows for sure and its even worse because they give him just about every show I watch, but he's just a bozo not a cancer on professional journalism.

pretty sure "it was all a dream" is the all time worst way to bring a story to its conclusion.

Compassion is AV Club keeping Erik Adams on as a writer despite the fact that he completely misreads at least one major aspect of every episode of TV he writes about

Uncle Ex was better than Louie's dad, and the counselor was better as Louie's neighbor chucking huge water bottles out his window.The show is good now, but it was better before.

The pinnacle of what the art form is capable of? Those shows ended years ago

A lisping what?

Just use cocksucker from now on. Problem solved.

This season of game of thrones depicted a group of men holding young women hostage and raping them repeatedly but yeah Louie forcing himself on Pam was way worse.

I'm glad Todd reminded me this is a fantastic season of television and not just a fantastic season. I might have gotten confused.

Yeah, it's good, but not as good as before.

If they sat at a computer and went back and forth on Google translate the scene would have been stupid, instead it was awesome

I think it's because sometimes you take the bus and sometimes you take the subway

Pretty sure louies ex wife is named Janet, not Janice. But then again it's not my job to know so don't take my word for it

I'm not so sure if Oberyn died there, the writers really left it up in the air with him