
pizza place ice cream place would be my ideal bang bang

"Fat girls do nice things for men because they expect to get
something out of it; they consider the man as obligated to
reciprocate, either with his body or his heart, and they, because of their actions, feel entitled to him. They
don't care about what the man wants, and they do not respect his
freedom to decide, nor

There are people more sinister than priests?

Louies agent was the best part of that arc. All they have to do is show that guy to get a laugh out of me

Apparently the next string of episodes is a cohesive story that expands upon Elevator. I wasn't a huge fan of that Letterman arc last season and prefer the stand alone episodes a lot more. I'm still optimistic about this season though.

They were aware of the show's strengths in this episode and Joff's wedding but all the bouncing around between mundane storylines in most of the other episodes is really hurting the show this season. I'm sure some of the stuff that's going to happen in the weeks to come will be on par with anything we've seen in

they had a character named shae in Julius Caesar?

Betty went from boring to frustrating to absolutely awesome over the course of this series. Most of her scenes now are hilarious

I was laughing my ass off during the Ginsberg nipple scene and then when they cut back to the office and Peggy was crying and Stan was freaking out I realized it really wasn't supposed to be funny and then I felt like a creepy weirdo

Erik is a dogshit reviewer in general but he's right about the two versions of game of thrones. Unfortunately the plots happening outside of kings landing are worse than they've ever been. The whole theon/ramsey storyline is incredibly boring and painful to watch, the dany stuff is worse than ever, they try to throw

seeing as Blake was a victim of being blasted in the eye by a grown man, I didn't pick that up

because he fucks his sister

maybe he needs to take a day or two to write these instead of shitting them out a couple hours after the episode. if you're going to fundamentally misread so many aspects of the plot you might as well not write a review at all

lol no it was just a joke

Seems like they're giving this bozo a lot of good shows to write about too, which blows obviously

yeah but why talk about that when the episode was clearly about sexual politics and US foreign policy since 2001

was more sad when they crossbowed the wolf than when they stabbed the pregnant woman 2 minutes before

yet another instance where Erik missed the point entirely

The showrunners didn't intend for it to be a rape scene, the characters in the scene carry on as if it was not a rape, regardless of how the audience chooses to interpret the scene , the rape isn't a plot point because it isn't germane to the plot. It's never going to come up again.

yeah what happened between the characters last week is clearly rape by today's classifications but its also clear Jamie and Cersei don't see it that way based on their interactions with each other this week. like you said, the rape isn't a plot point