
I loved her reaction to HHH/Rollins…clearly us hardened wrestling fans take such things for granted.

I really enjoyed the last two night's of shows, but the "superstar shake-up" has meant that any and all storyline progression (unless your spot on the brand is 100% assured) has gone by the wayside. While an enjoyable couple of days, it's been weird having so little progression in the way of establishing new feuds or

Meltzer made a great point on Observer Radio last night about how the announcers completely no-sold the fact that both HHH and Rollins had the same finisher. The fact that HHH was the one that actually taught Rollins the pedigree should've been a key component of that match and the commentary should have reinforced

I couldn't agree with you more. People are rejecting this guy by turning him into the only legitimate full-time star on the roster. He's the only full-timer that consistently gets a reaction, every single week. While I don't agree with him being a babyface, it's hard to argue that the crowd care about anyone else as

Those "doctors" do have a point. If you can flawlessly execute a Pheonix Splash, you've got no right claiming to be injured.

Such a great segment. I loved the layers they were able to add to this feud. The "I liked myself before I met you" angle was absolutely brilliant. Props to whoever in creative came up with that. It was super compelling and, paired with Seth delivering one of his best promos to date, really took this feud to another

I'm glad I wasn't the only person who thought it was Roman Reigns digging the hole, dressed up as The Undertaker. Can you imagine the heat if they'd done that?! Tonight was the most heel we've ever seen Roman. If I'm not mistaken, they were turning up the crowd mics when everyone was booing. I don't wanna get my hopes

It also provided them an opportunity to right the wrong of last May and have Seth Rollins return from injury and actually be a babyface. It's a real injury…I think. I'm almost 99% sure lol. Even if Seth was healthy, I can't imagine the build for this feud being any better, storytelling- wise. Hopefully he's fit and

How badly I want this to happen. And yet, in my heart of hearts, I know there is little to no chance Lesnar isn't being saved up for anyone other than Roman Reigns. Sigh.

I couldn't agree more. I am genuinely concerned that they're going to give the Rumble to a part-timer. And considering the main roster talent pool WWE currently has at their disposal, that is a real shame.

Well he is on the Royal Rumble poster. In a more prime position than the WWE Champion no less (poor AJ). So I don't know. I mean, you've gotta assume they'll do SOMETHING with him (like you said, it seems infeasible that he isn't on the show) but we'll see. Perhaps we'll see a reversal of what everyone has speculated.

I love that he didn't even bother to demand a United States Title rematch.

And the gap between Smackdown and RAW continues to grow…

The only two (that I can remember) that were allowed to leave a confrontation with Stephanie in 2016 actually getting one-up on her are Seth and Roman…no surprises there.

That and Jericho is most likely leaving after Wrestlemania, so this won't be a long reign by any means. I actually think the most likely scenario is Roman winning it back before the Rumble. With Jericho and Owens the likely program heading into Mania, I find it highly doubtful they will be feuding over the US Title. I

Has anyone else noticed how contradictory the Undertaker's character has become?! So apparently he's nobody's puppet (despite wrestling for Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania to keep Shane from running RAW), Smackdown is his home (but yet he decides to announce his Royal Rumble entry on RAW) and Wrestlemania will not

I feel like nearly all of RAW's babyface storylines (with the exception of Roman Reigns and Sasha Banks) are simply a re-hash, in one way or another, of Daniel Bryan's infamous run to Wrestlemania 30. Sami Zayn, Bayley and, to a lesser extent, Seth Rollins are all faces trying to build themselves through adversity and

Can't have Roman staring down Goldberg with the US Title on his shoulder…how embarrassing would that be?! *rolls eyes*

The worst camera maneuver this week was the pedigree on the car. That was enough of a high impact move without practically hitting Jericho in the face with the camera to heighten the effect.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. Tonight's crowd was NOT the right crowd to transition everyone from Rollins/Owens to Reigns/Owens….especially after the reaction he got at Survivor Series. Personally, I think the reason his appearance was kept minimal on Monday was not as punishment, but rather to protect him from the