J. Crew

Wow. It wasn't just me, then. I thought it was a complete steal from Les Mis.

They also said that nearly everything on earth is dead. That's also not true. It's a tv show.

Picture of clozapine here:

You have to know this first before you can go look it up.

Oh no….not a kid….

Melissa was flat out scary.

This was another very good episode. I think that this style where Phil is not a complete imbecile, and has some reasoning behind his goofing around is much better.

You can deliver yourself from them if you stop seeing them everywhere when they are not there.

9/11 truther, pan handled on street corners….look, the guy was a bit kooky, ok?

However….He played a nut for so many years, he finally went nuts with some of his personal opinions. But……….no one is perfect, and he was very very very funny.