
Bon Jovi and Lea Michelle didn't fall in love on the movie New Year's Eve, he just invited her to sing, she fell for Ashton and he got back together with his ex Katherine Heigl

You're right! My nephews watch them when they come to my house I always forget the right names. They love those shows and the colors are a lot brighter than the shows on the list.

Umizoomi is missing from this list, they're mermaids so it's not the most logicall show but they always teach kids about something random, like x-rays or the postman, the songs are catchy and there's a lot of color so even if they don't understand they can just watch the show.

Maybe they just knew it was going to end up on youtube and decided to do a good job, maybe we should all start recording every meal we have!!

Helloooooooooooooo manager :)

That was the way people tought back then. It is not right, and today there are still some elders that are racist even when they are decent people otherwise. Everybody thought like that. The book is ahead of it's time, but the author still lived in those times. He wrote an amazing story about an amazing woman, but the

I didn't know they were drunk

I really hope Rick gets some jail time, he needs to be alone right now to remember who he was. It would be a nice surprise to see someone trying to knock some sense into everything, maybe Deanna with Glenn and Maggie. Not just have another town turned to dust like the governors town. This is really similar to the

And I'm fine with that, he can tell them where their soul is going any day! but I hate that he wants them OUT just because they did bad things, his opinion is not important, religious or not, he is nobody

Carol wants Peter dead because she was abused herself and her husband is dead, Rick wants him dead because he wants his wife
Peter doesn't deserve to die, I hope Deanna stops this.
Father Gabriel is insane if he thinks he deserves paradise and the others don't, just because he's sorry doesn't mean it's forgiven

Deanna reminds me of the Governor, am I the only one?

I like the Sasha thing! She's mad because all of this people have been living there without zombies talking about food and stuff while she was out there murdering cannibals and getting the perfect aim at zombies. The problem is that we don't know her backstory, we don't know what she was before the outbreak, I think

The problem is the people voting, not the nominees

I think when Olivia gets back to Washington (Sooner or later, it will happen) she should just be with Fitz again for good. Im so sick of watching her saying No and Fitz saying Pleeaaseee. Its like with Meredith and Derek in Grey's Anatomy, at some point they just had to be together, for good.
I'd like to see that

Slowly losing hope in liking the show again :(

I love you name and comment *giggles*