
hmmmm, interesting. Okay I see.

Aha. I knew that was too coincidental. I got a feeling that we haven't seen or heard the last from Wingo.

It is not so much the "hooking up" as it is the plot on the part of the sister. I don't trust her. Gallinger, although a jerk, is vulnerable right now and I think she is playing on that.

Nope her sister is diabolical for even waiting watching for the moment her own sick sister to slip up so she could slide in her spot. That speaks volumes. She is one that is manipulative also. I can deal with a snake that tells me it's a snake but a snake pretending to be a butterfly, that I have no respect for.

That would be friggin AWESOME. Since Gallinger secretly sterilized all of those "crazy" boys. HA! That would be some serious Karma for his ass!


I agree that it is not fair nor moral of her to do these things. Nor is it a pretty depiction of the start of feminism. It is however the thought process that she has that represents feminism. I can be a doctor, I can have sex, in any way with anyone I choose, I can be a leader, I can manipulate a situation to get my

I don't think she is angry anymore, I think she has become an opportunist. I think this lucy character is a reference to the start of the feminist movement. I do think that Lucy will become a doctor. I think she is just starting to use her brain. Remember the Asian hooker told her, there are things other than sex that

I think the camera shows Henry's guilt to the knowledge of the matters. I also see a fear in his eyes for Cornelia. You know that fear that says" Sis please be careful, I can't tell you what I know because I don't want you injured" If Henry and or the Captain are in bed with these ppl, it is because they were drugged,

I understand your point about Cleary and Harry but I do want to see them together as a couple because they are so awesome. Now as for Barrow, (clears throat) There is more than meets the eye with this ho that he is trying to turn into a housewife. Somebody is going to get at him bad.His LEGAL wife will have all assets

Yes she did indeed make him back up, but I think that this is not over. When Cleary finally does get to make love to Harry ,I will ask Jesus to take the wheel and drive real fast. Because they are so awesome together already. They may be poor but they will be a Power Couple.

Yep, when I seen him beating on his daughter I immediately pegged him a sadist. But now I see he is more into Dominant/Submissive. But the way he beat lucy, serves him right.

She wasn't crazy at all for killing this pseudoscience doctor. He took a woman who was suffering depression, and pulled each and everyone of her teeth. Yeah, when she finally got her senses about her, she did the right thing, killed his ass. Now her Dr. Husband is another story, he is no angel. I have a weird feeling