Dorkus Malorkus

Back in high school, when 3 came out, my friend and I took turns playing. I played 2 as a lead up to three.

In all honesty I thought it was a good adaptation in the spirit of the feel of the game, and the paper bag, bathroom, the attack of the ghost, the door transitions, were all fitting. The candy/pills was the least solid part, but that's not the biggest deal compared to all the things that're right

You should read the work of civil rights activist Robert F. Williams.

Return of Kings is run by a rape apologist

Bad story and/or bad gameplay are both deal breakers for me. I can't really get behind a game with a shitty philosophy, even if it's technically competent.

Actually, some parts of Lovecraft are reflections of real world religious ideas. Angels tell people "be not afraid" because they were terrifying to look upon, and your cannot look at God and live. Plus, the will of God is unknowable to people, period. He's a being beyond time and space.

That's not really true. Religion is one component of ideology, but ultimately it changes to reflect and justify present conditions. Christianity started with a homeless day laborer and a gaggle of out casts who were on the establishment shit list, but evolved to justify gigantic, oppressive empires from Rome to the

What is it with people having to have "agendas" instead of having an opinion?

American fascism usually couches itself in libertarian language. Libertarians reject racism and sexism as serious, structural problems, slavishly praise capitalists, and would have no problem with a government who's main relationship with the people is shooting "looters and rioters"