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    I'm sorry, miss what "fact"? You claiming that Cary being in prison won't affect Kalinda's sex life is an opinion, not a fact.

    I.e. Kalinda was sleeping with Cary but can't continue to do so if he is in jail.

    Well you'll get your wish if they keep Cary locked up.

    Alicia handles the situation with Cary like a pro. She takes complete control smoothly and intensely, calling Bishop to meet up and warn him and then Robin to gather the partners. This scene is fast and it contrasts well with Eli nagging her to run for office because we can see her in a position of power. She'd rock

    Well, actually, "fiction" is something that can't happen and "science fiction" is a genre of film that uses fiction-based science (i.e. time travel, aliens) that aren't fully accepted by scientists but could maybe if life were super awesome happen someday and for now just used in movies. The Leftovers isn't really

    The show has many religious themes but I wouldn't go so far as science fiction.

    Touche. I was personally one of the ones who binged on Lost and wasn't a "dedicated fan" while it was airing. I found that overall people who watched it as it aired week by week (as I am doing with The Leftovers) were more satisfied with the ending than those who binged after it was completed. I.e. Maybe I am a little

    I think this show does and will keep connecting more and more dots than we think. Of course the abstractness is tantalizing and fun albeit frustrating at times but it gets more cohesive looking back over the season after having watched the finale. Kevin cleansing himself might be obvious imagery but I think its