
Is The Literalist a new CBS procedural?

Very frustrating. After all, they always depict Untouchable & Undetectable Killbot Billy Bob Malvo with utter realism.

Edit: I should've hit refresh before posting.

Well, not serial.

The next time a guy comes to do your cabinets, just imagine he has the same backstory as Jesse's.
Actually, I'm going to start assuming that cashiers, teachers, girlscouts, Jehova's witnesses, and other people I meet were all Jesse-like once. It'll make MY life much more interesting.

And I thought "Felina" was just an anagram of "Finale"…

Hm, bacon fat *drools*

The Charcoal Knight.

Et tu, brute?

To me, the Dean felt a little retconnish on "Repilot." I realize he knows Greendale is crappy, but he always maintained a sense of pride and a displayed a genuine effort to make the school better. The we're-here-just-to-hand-out-diplomas bit seemed out of character. I don't remember him as a guy just concerned with

Todd mentions it twice, as Jeff mentioned it once: Greendale is the place where fucked up people go to better themselves. Only they never do, and they can't leave.
While watching "Repilot", I got the distinct impression that the whole "Community" run is a reboot of "LOST." Greendale is actually the island of "LOST."

Looking forward to the Daft Punk movie!

You're hired! Go report to the writer's room immediately.

Did anybody else laugh when the MX got crushed? They destroy like one per episode. It seems we have a new "Oh, no. They killed Kenny!"

Terrence Howard opens another bottle.

Shouting to millions of viewers that he's king of the world?

Maybe he meant "Twilight" saga? Damn cellphone connection.

Cumberbatch alert!